Healthy Eating and Nutrition Support at the Community Care Clinic

Nutrition services at CCC are informed by your medical provider’s recommendations so that you can live a healthier life. Nutrition support can help you make healthy food choices.

  • What is Nutrition Counseling?

    Nutrition counseling is a way to help people learn about healthy eating. A trained expert talks with you about your eating habits and what you want to improve. They give advice on what kinds of foods to eat and how to make better choices.

    This can help you feel better, have more energy, and stay healthy. Nutrition counseling looks at your own needs and helps you make a plan that fits your life. It’s all about helping you eat well and feel good.

  • How are Medical Needs Considered?

    Some medical conditions, such as heart disease or diabetes, improve more and faster with diet changes. Your provider can offer general guidance for a medical diet. With your permission, they can also share details about your medical dietary needs with our Registered Dietician for more comprehensive support.

  • What if I Can't Afford Healthy Food?

    The Community Care Clinic is conveniently located in the same building as Hunger and Health Coalition (HHC). HHC offers an innovative program called Food is Medicine, which allows medical providers to write a “prescription” for healthy food that can be picked up at HHC for free.

    Assistance is available across 10 counties in the High Country. Contact HHC for more details about eligibility.

  • Can I Still Eat the Food I Love?

    Your medical provider and Registered Dietician can give you personalized information about creating a healthy diet which meets your needs.

    Generally, even “junk” food is okay in moderation. Nutrition counseling can help you learn how to balance food for fuel with food for fun!